We're having performance issues on RHW lately, and one finding is that Jobster is scraping our jobs. No surprise there. They do attribute us, but I never liked their model of just scraping instead of asking for a feed.
We're seeing this in our error logs:
DateTime={ts '2007-10-22 14:47:22'}, Template=/BrowseAds/index.cfm, RemoteAddress=, HTTPReferer=, Diagnostics=The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFSTOREDPROC
The error occurred on line 223., QueryString=SN=103&M=100&RP=datedesc&D=summary&R=1, Cookie=, Browser=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; +http://www.jobster.com/indexing.html)\
But the link their robot reports, http://www.jobster.com/indexing.html, is 404. For shame.
So, quick ARIN lookup on the remote IP gives this:
AT&T WorldNet Services ATT (NET-12-0-0-0-1) -
CERFnet ATTENS-SEA1-1 (NET-12-129-0-0-1) -
Jobster, Inc. ATTENS-011426-005621 (NET-12-129-9-192-1) -
So I'm blocking them at the firewall, until they decide to play nice.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Jobster gets blocked
Posted by Steve Bywater at 2:07 PM 3 comments
Labels: online recruitment, rant, spam, web site development
Thursday, October 4, 2007
In the press
It's kinda weird when non-technical people refer to me as a "geek guru" but I guess in small pond like Poughkeepsie that works.
As a company, we almost never get press in local dailies because we compete with their classified revenue so directly. They hate us.
Here we are in a local business weekly, and that adversarial relationship is explained:
Radio the the Web and Back
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monster.com Spam
Ha seems Monster.com (or at least, someone who works for them) got caught spamming, and then buried themselves deeper by trying to deny it. I saw this on the first page of Digg.com tonight: